Experienced Adviser Policy
Access to LMS as an Experienced Adviser
When you request an account for MATRICS Learn LMS, previous learning will be checked on Wiseradviser to categorise your status – New Adviser or Experienced Adviser.
Previous training
Local Authorities, Housing Association’s and other 3rd sector advisers should have completed the following learning on Wiseradviser, CAB advisers, should evidence completion of APT Debt 1, 2 and 3.
Wiseradviser courses:
- Introduction to Debt Advice
- Good Practice: Providing High Quality Debt Advice
- Negotiating and Communication Skill
- Debt Options for Scottish Debtors
- Tailoring Advice
- Insolvency Options
- Debt Arrangement Scheme
APT Debt 1, 2 and 3:
- Interview skills 1: the interview process
- diagnosing debt advice issues
- debt advice options and action
AiB Authorisation
- If an adviser can provide evidence from the AiB that they have received their own DAS approved adviser authorisation.
If the adviser cannot provide evidence that all courses have been completed on Wiseradviser, APT 1, 2 and 3 or DAS authorisation from AiB, the application should be rejected and adviser advised of the learning pathway. See learning pathway below.
If evidence is provided the application should be moved to stage 2, which is manager/supervisor authorisation.
Manager/supervisor authorisation
The manager statement should include how long the advisers has worked in debt advice, Under 6 months: No change to status, over 6 months: what level the adviser is currently working to. e.g. initial interviews, discussing debt options, would be no change to status, if the adviser is currently negotiating with creditors and applying for statutory debt options on behalf of their clients they would be classed as experienced.
Access to face-to-face
To request access to face-to-face courses, you should have completed all elearning on that course page.
Learning Pathway Levels 1 and 2
Level 1
Debt advice: an outline e-learning:
Professional Debt Advice
The Debt Advice System
Key Stakeholder Terminology and Tools
Level 1 F2F:
Debt advice an outline
Level 2
Topic 1 Key Skills e-learning:
Interviewing skills
Negotiation skills
Letter writing skills
Level 2 Topic 1 F2F:
Communication skills
Level 2 Topic 2 The 6 stages of debt process e-learning:
Stage 1. Find out the whole situation
Stage 2. Manage emergencies
Stage 3. Check liabilities
Stage 4. Listing creditors and priority and non-priority debts
Stage 5. Create the initial Common Financial Statement
Stage 6. Maximise income and reduce expenditure
Level 2 Topic 2 F2F:
The 6 stages of the debt advice process - Part 1
The 6 stages of the debt advice process - Part 2
The 6 stages of the debt advice process - Part 3
Level 2 Topic 3 Introduction to debt advice admin e-learning:
Budgeting and financial capability
How to make appropriate signposting and referrals
Effective case management and case recording
Level 2 Topic 4 Introduction to debt recovery process e-learning:
Debt letters and Defaults
Identifying different court processes
Summary Warrant
Introduction to diligence
Statutory Moratorium on diligence
Debt recovery process outside court
Sequestration - an overview
Debt Arrangement Scheme an overview
Completion of all activities in Level 1 and 2 gives access to Level 3 as an Experienced Adviser. Level 3 can be completed in any order, but e-learning is mandatory before applying for F2F